PDU Engages Private Sector On Improving Access To Electricity, Lowering Costs

(Lusaka, Monday 27 November 2023) In order to position the private sector at the forefront of energy solutions, the Presidential Delivery Unit (PDU) has launched an Energy Sector Delivery Lab. The primary objective of this lab is to ensure that Zambia can improve energy production and increase access to affordable electricity. 

The lab, which runs from Monday 27th November until Friday 1st December, will serve as a platform for industry players, government ministries, parastatals and other private agencies to share ideas and brainstorm solutions to meet Zambia’s energy demands for the national development agenda, with a specific focus on the period up to 2031. Key industry players including ZESCO, the Rural Electrification Authority (REA), the Energy Regulation Board (ERB), the Ministry of Energy and the Industrial Development Cooperation (IDC) will be in attendance.  

The PDU acknowledges that reliable and sufficient energy is a prerequisite for catalyzing and accelerating social and economic growth. It is projected that by 2026, Zambia’s increased electricity demand will require energy generation to double to around 6,361MW, up from the current 3,075 MW.

In her opening remarks to the energy lab, PDU Head Ms. Kusobile Kamwambi highlighted the existing challenges in the distribution and accessibility of electricity in Zambia.

Currently, only about 40% of the Zambian population has access to electricity.  The PDU aims to increase this access to over 60% of the population by 2030. This will be achieved by increasing the installed generation capacity, promoting increased private sector participation, deregulating low output community power schemes, and implementing reform activities at the public power utility, Zesco.”


The PDU’s work will supplement current sector activities, including renegotiating unsustainable power purchase agreements and reducing Zesco’s operational expenses. The PDU is also working towards the immediate operationalization of the Electricity Open Access Framework, as outlined in the Electricity Act no. 11 of 2019. The President supports all efforts aimed at reducing procedural turnaround times for permit acquisition and various other approvals required in power project development,” she said.

Also commenting on the launch of the delivery lab, Minister for Energy Eng. Peter C. Kapala expressed his gratitude for the initiative taken by the Presidential Delivery Unit in bringing together the relevant stakeholders to accelerate solutions to Zambia’s energy demands. His speech was read by Ministry of Energy Permanent Secretary Mr Peter Mumba.

The presidential delivery unit will serve as a vehicle for unlocking and optimizing the energy sector potential, streamlining decision-making processes, promote public-private partnerships, and indeed timely delivery of energy projects.”

The PDU welcomes the approval of the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which outlines the activities and actions required to govern the energy sector transition between now and 2050. The IRP provides a national guideline for time-based interventions, which will inform the solutions developed in this Delivery Lab.


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