Minister of Local Government Launches CDF Communications Strategy and Dashboard

Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Hon. Gary Nkombo MP today launched the communications strategy for the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka.

The strategy is designed to help improve awareness and access to information about the CDF, as well as to foster community participation in the fund and improve transparency and accountability around CDF grants.

Through the new communications strategy and branding, government is working to increase uptake of CDF grants to 98% of funding by 2026 – up from 56.9% in 2023. The strategy is designed to run up to 2026, implemented through quarterly communications plans.   

CDF is regarded as the flagship policy of President Hakainde Hichilema’s New Dawn government, with funding increasing from K1.6 million per constituency in 2021 to K30.6 million in 2024.

This money is disbursed to projects that benefit local communities, such as youth and female empowerment initiatives, secondary boarding school bursaries, and skills development bursaries. 60% of CDF funding is ringfenced for projects that are prioritised by the communities themselves, resulting in a bottom-up approach to development.

Speaking at the launch, Hon. Nkombo said, “The CDF is a testament to our belief in the capacity of very Zambian to drive change and shape their own future. Through the CDF, we empower local leaders and citizens to identify their needs, prioritize their projects, and take ownership of their development agenda.”  

The communications strategy includes many innovative projects to make it easier for citizens to learn more about the CDF and apply for funding. This includes a live dashboard with information on how funding is allocated, accessible via the upcoming CDF website and mobile app.

The Ministry of Local Government also plans to use social media platforms, SMS alerts and even a CDF podcast to deliver information about the fund to local communities. This is in addition to traditional communications channels, such as press briefings, community forums and town hall meetings.

Also speaking at the launch, Secretary to the Cabinet Patrick Kangwa observed, “Today’s launch of the Communication Strategy and Branding Guidelines is a significant step towards ensuring that the CDF operates with the transparency, efficiency, and impact that our communities deserve.”

The new communications strategy promises accountability around CDF finances, with regular updates on funding allocations, project progress and financial expenditure. It also engages directly with the public and encourages them to report any suspected instances of corruption.

The Ministry of Local Government has primary responsibility for managing the CDF, supported by the Presidential Delivery Unit (PDU) and other stakeholders such as USAID Local Impact Governance Project, UNICEF and Giz.  

Speaking on behalf of PDU Head Kusobile Kamwambi, Delivery Manager Jones Shimbela said, “The Presidential Delivery Unit, working with the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development is dedicated to unclogging bottlenecks in the delivery of CDF to the citizens by ensuring that every kwacha allocated through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is utilized effectively and efficiently”.


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